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Monday, December 13, 2021



If you knew what 500 of the world’s wealthiest people knew - would you do as they do? 

 Napoleon Hill dedicates an entire chapter to Persistence. Your paradigms will shift when you consistently feed your mind with repetitive information. Hill describes the four steps that lead to the habit of persistence as:

 1) A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment. 

 2) A definite plan, expressed in continuous action. 

3) A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances. 

4)A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose. 

These four steps will also lead to the mastery of fear, discouragement and indifference. Persistence is one of the common threads in the 500 wealthiest people’s repertoire - make it part of your daily practice.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at:

Tuesday, November 16, 2021




Perfection is defined as a state of completeness and flawlessness.  Have you ever experienced perfection?  Does it exist?  Is it egotistical to think that we can achieve perfection? Is perfection a perceived concept and does it mean something different to others?  Most importantly, does it matter? In the grand scheme of life, does it matter if you achieve perfection and does it matter if you perceive something as having achieved perfection while someone else may disagree?


I ate a chocolate chip cookie the other day. In my opinion, the baker achieved perfection.  There was nothing wrong in my mind with that cookie.  It brought my taste buds to nirvana.  It was delicious and it made me so happy to eat it.  What a cookie!  Have you ever experienced that before?  That total feeling of perfection?


What keeps us from thinking or feeling that when we create something ourselves?  Most of us create something and then begin to tear it down mentally – which in turn tears down our confidence.  Is this innate in humans or just those of us lucky enough to think we aren’t good enough to ever achieve perfection.

This in itself is flawed thinking.  Our minds are perfect. How we perceive things is what becomes fuzzy.  We have experiences that cloud what is really there and what we perceive to be there.  Know that our minds are miracles and are perfect. Know that we are capable of incredible things. Urban legend says we only use 10% of our brain. Although physically we use all of our brain what we really are using is a small portion of our potential.  This keeps us from accepting and achieving perfection because we hold back a lot of our potential out of fear.


Perfection is not something that many people can accept – but is so worth the effort of exploring and understanding because it helps raise your awareness of what you truly are capable of and how you alone hold yourself back from reaching that level.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at:



Sunday, October 24, 2021





In our current times, we are surrounded by lightening fast technology, decision making, expectations, life…  Practicing patience in an era where it seems no one has any patience may feel counter-intuitive but patience allows us to slow down, calm our minds, show compassion, love and be loved. 


Being able to tolerate delays without feeling angry or frustrated is a necessary quality for our greater good. Easing our minds mentally also allows our bodies to physically function in a stress-reduced state, lowering our blood pressure, staving off illnesses and not compromising our immune systems.


So how does one practice patience when all things point in a different direction?


·   Persistence – the ability to keep moving forward even if you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Having faith that you are moving in the right direction without distraction brings a sense of inner peace.

·   Acceptance – believe that everything happens for a reason and even if the reason is illogical, it will be revealed at a later time when and if it is necessary. Whatever is happening now is the way it is.

·   Peace – having a sense of serenity and knowing that whatever distraction is happening, it will pass, as the now is what is meant to be.


Practicing patience alleviates the need for anger.  When we are impatient, we go through a gamut of emotions from irritation to impatience to anger and then rage.  Not only does patience help us achieve that which we desire, it helps us keep our anger in check.


The easiest way to practice patience is to count to 10 or take 10 deep breaths.  This creates space between an impulse reaction and an actual action step.  Practicing patience with others allows us to slow down and enjoy life with a new viewpoint.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at:


Sunday, October 10, 2021





Imagine taking a trip without a map. Imagine building a structure without blueprints. Imagine going through life without a plan…


Do you drift through life letting life happen to you?  Does it give you angst when you know you have a higher purpose but don’t know where to start? 


Let’s get out of that existential funk and begin to craft the life we want to live.


Crafting a life plan is not a simple task and will not take an hour to complete.  You will need to commit to writing, meditating, contemplating and soul searching and expect this to take time.  If you have the ability, go somewhere for a weekend alone and work on this – camping, hotel, man cave… however you can be alone to work on your life’s plan.


Begin to define who you are. List out your roles – husband/wife, boss, worker, sister/brother, volunteer, citizen, friend, etc.


Prioritize these roles to determine which are most important.  Identify which roles cause the most stress and which are the roles you want to explore or give highest priority to.  By identifying these roles you will uncover patterns and those roles you want to eliminate.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at:


Monday, September 27, 2021



What does your closet look like?  Is it all tidy and colour coordinated and arranged by season?


If so, move on… And for the rest of us who have closets full of clothes from ten years ago that we will fit into one of these days – or that style will surely come back – or this is a classic – it will go with everything… You know who you are… or maybe you can’t even close your closet because the shoes are spilling out onto the floor…


Life is like a closet.  We hold onto past thoughts and emotions and we think if we hold on to it long enough and tight enough something will change – it will fit now – it will be all right – or we hold on because we can’t let go of the pain.  As one of my mentors says – let the dead bury the dead.


It is time to clean the closet and let go of all that dead weight. It is time to organize and compartmentalize all those things in that closet – put the shoes here, the belts there, the ties or purses in their spot and let’s now get rid of our high school prom dress.  It is time to make room for all the new things that we will acquire.  Make room…


When you organize anything, a closet, a drawer, a thought, a process, you suddenly find you have room.  Room for something new.  If you hold onto all that old stuff, there is no room for anything new.  No new relationships or job opportunities, or whatever it is you desire because you don’t have room.  You don’t have the bandwidth to take on anymore until you clear out all the old. 


We can’t change the past so why hold onto it?  Get out the duster and boxes and let’s release all that which we no longer need or want and let’s make room for all that which we desire.

Organize your life as you would a closet.  Remove the old and make room for the new.

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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Multiple Sources of Income


Multiple Sources of Income


Most of us earn income by trading time for money.  In other words we go to a job, work a set number of hours and are compensated for those hours.  So we trade our time for money.  Keep in mind everyone has the same number of hours in a day so if you work harder or longer, you can only work up to 24 hours a day as that is all there is.  So there is a limit to how much time you can trade for money.


Some of us earn income by trading money for money. An example would be investments that generate income through dividends and interest.  We are no longer trading our time for money because it is working for us while we do other things.


Few of us earn income through multiple sources.  This is how most people who have wealth build it. Multiple sources of income is having income coming in from different avenues that do not require trading time for money or trading money for money but a combination of many different ways to generate income.


The advantages to having multiple sources is that if one slows down, there are others to pick up the slack so it isn’t as painful as losing a job or losing on the stock market.  Another advantage to having multiple sources is that there is no longer a dependence on trading time for money, which is the slowest and most difficult way to build wealth. 

A third advantage is that new options become available to serve and do good work which is what most of us want.  No one lies on their deathbed and wishes they had spent more time in the office.  We all want more time with loved ones and to do those things that bring our souls pleasure such as giving and serving others. 


Creating multiple sources of income is not as hard as it sounds.  Start small – take out a piece of paper and draw a circle with a dollar sign in the middle representing your income.  Then draw a few circles around the page.  In one, put your job if you are employed.  In another put your investments like 401(k), then in a third think about how you can generate more income.  Are you in any affiliate programs?  Do you have a blog?  Do you give seminars on the weekends?  Do you sell products on the side?  Do you have a hobby? This is a place to start. 


You will find that as you begin to think about what you love to do, your creative mind will open doors to new thoughts and ideas.  Write all of these down.  Some will turn into viable income generators and others won’t.  If you don’t try, then you give up on the opportunities that are

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at:


Sunday, August 29, 2021




Have you ever made a plan or created a life roadmap and then something happened – like a big rock rolled down and blocked your progress and instead of finding a way through you gave up and retreated back to your comfort zone? Does that sound like you?


Why do we stop this inertia we are in – we get a little friction and BAM – we stop, retreat, we take our ball and go home.  Give up.  I’m done.  Good night…


But then it’s tomorrow and guess what – that rock is still blocking our path and we say – yeah so what. We can opt to see the rock for what it is and keep going or we can pretend it doesn’t exist and say well, I liked it here anyway so I’m staying.


NO!! Get out the pick and axe and let’s keep moving.  Life is full of bumps and obstacles and lots of bruises.  Who said life was easy?  Who wants easy?  Easy is boring! Easy is for people who don’t have a clue what is on the other side waiting – waving its flag saying I’m here – come and get me! Come and see what this side is like – it is awesome!


We have all hit obstacles, every one of us.  So many times we hit a rut and think we are the only one. No one understands. This only would happen to me… oh here comes that pity party. 


How do we get that movement back?  How do we pick ourselves up and try again.  How do we change our thinking so that we don’t feel like we are out of options?  Can you ever be out of options?  Albert Einstein says, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”  Think about that.  If you have a problem, how can you solve it using the same brain that created it? 


There is a simple solution to so many of life’s problems and it is not an age-old secret only available to the wealthy and wise. The answer is to create a third mind.  But how?  By masterminding with others who can truly help you.  So if you have a business quandary, join a business mastermind and bring your problem to the table. You will be amazed at the number of ideas that become available to you – ideas that you never even thought of yourself.  If you have a relationship problem then join/create a mastermind of like minded people who you can trust to share this problem with. There are solutions out there that your mind alone cannot create – you need the power of a mastermind to get you back in movement gear.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at:


Sunday, August 8, 2021




What a grand emotion love is.  Imagine a life without love.  Research says a baby’s brain will not develop properly in the absence of love.  Wow that is powerful!  Love is very powerful. Look at your own life experiences.  Can you recall a time when you felt unloved?  How did that make you feel?  Depressed? Lonely? Anxious?


Imagine a life full of love! Do you have that now?  Are you content with the amount of love you have in your life?  Are you giving love to others?  Are you receiving love?  If you aren’t completely happy with your relationships both giving and receiving, then it may be beneficial to learn what options you have to create that life.


Did you know you could sit down right now and begin the process of creating that perfect life you desire?  The one full of love and compassion and whatever else you want.  I don’t use the word need because what we need and what we want are very different.  We all need food, shelter and water and according to research, love.  And we want many more things like comfort, warmth, relationships, fulfillment, purpose, and material things. 


So let’s focus on love for the moment.  To achieve the love you want in your life, begin by talking a piece of paper and I discourage you from using a computer or other device as there is something magical to actually writing down your wants and mapping out your life.


Take the piece of paper and define the perfect scenario or definition for love.  What does it mean to you.  Take as long as you need and write as much as you can.  Describe it in detail.  If it means a foot rub every night from your significant other than write that.  If it means finishing another’s thoughts then write that.  Write whatever comes to mind and keep writing until you are satisfied that you have defined Love.


Now, evaluate your current relationships.  Do they match what you define as love?  Are you satisfied with the love you are getting and just as importantly are you living up to your definition of love?  Are you giving this love to others?  It goes both ways. 


Know that you can’t change how someone else is but truly look at how you are expressing yourself now.  People copy each other – if you give love unconditionally and expect nothing in turn, those closest to you, those who care and love you will reciprocate this love.  You will find your relationships will become deeper and more satisfying as you focus more on your giving and less on your receiving.


Love is a wonderful thing – it needs nurtured and developed and now is the perfect time to start.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at:



Sunday, July 25, 2021

Leverage Key Skills



Leverage Key Skills


Have you ever tried to remove a nut or bolt with pliers and it doesn’t budge, but when you use a wrench and get some leverage suddenly it is easy to move?  That lever is such a clever tool – it is very handy and very simple. 


Leverage is defined as a rigid bar that pivots about one point and is used to move an object at a second point by a force applied at a third point.  So how do we apply this to achieve a competitive advantage? How do we leverage our key skills?


Most people don’t leverage their own knowledge and skillset but instead use just a fraction of what they have within themselves.


The first step is to take inventory of your assets.  This doesn’t mean to list out your home, car, checking account balance… this means to list out your knowledge, your skills and your experience.


Next, explore how to get the full advantage of your asset inventory.  If you own a computer or smartphone, you are frequently prompted to upgrade an application or program. There is new information available that will make your computer or phone work better (well one hopes, not always the case!).  When was the last time you updated or upgraded your knowledge base?  What was the last book, course, lecture or program you engaged in?


So now you have an inventory and you know what needs to be upgraded.  These are your key skills and strengths that you can now improve upon.  You may ask why focus on your strengths and those assets that are already developed.  Why not focus on weaker skillsets.  This is where you need to understand that the highest yield and the most efficiency comes from developing strengths rather than improving upon weaknesses.  Leave your weaknesses for someone else who exhibits those as strengths.  


This allows you to leverage your key skills and will help you improve upon areas where you show the most potential.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at:




Sunday, July 11, 2021

Law of Vibration


Law of Vibration


We are all connected.  If you took a powerful microscope and viewed your hand, you would not be able to differentiate where your hand begins and ends.  All things are in a constant state of vibration.  The only difference between one thing and another is in the density or amplitude of vibration. Therefore, we are all connected.

When you have a thought - your brain sends out vibrations.  Sometimes these are positive thoughts and sometimes these are negative thoughts.  Either way, the vibrations are sent out.  If you concentrate on a thought, you are increasing the density or amplitude of the vibration of those cells and the electric waves become more potent.


Those electrical waves are originating in your mind and you are choosing the density of the vibrations.  Think about how powerful that is - you are choosing the density of the vibrations of your thoughts!


Everything is a manifestation of the same thing. The difference is the rate of vibration or frequency.  When you are in harmony with something, you resonate with it - you are in harmonious vibration. 


By concentrating on and sending out vibrations of an image in your mind, in the present tense, you are vibrating in harmony with every particle of energy that is necessary for the manifestation of your image on the physical plane.  By holding that image, those particles of energy are moving toward you and you toward them - that is the law of vibration.


Think about the law of vibration - take some time to really think about this - ask questions - gather information - form an idea - test this law.


You will see that through the law of vibration, you will attract to you exactly that which you resonate with, that which you are in harmony with, that which you expend energy thinking about.  If you think about lack - you attract lack.  If you think about abundance - you attract abundance.


If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at:



Sunday, June 27, 2021

Letting Go


Letting Go


Have you ever wondered why you hold onto emotional and physical pain longer than needed?  There is a belief that we create and maintain problems to give us a sense of identity – to define who we are – to give us purpose.


Do you know of anyone who creates problems and then swoops in to save the day? Or someone who creates problems to then play the role of victim for sympathy and attention?


These behaviors, whether in ourselves or around us are due to the need to replay our past mistakes like a broken record in our minds which in turn builds feelings of shame and regret.  Carrying these burdens dictates the actions we take in the now.  In addition, we hold onto worry and frustration about the future creating unnecessary stress.  Stress has been linked to numerous health issues and the majority of us live with this fabricated stress every day treating is as our normal state.


We all know that if we put a little energy to something we get a little out… the same holds true for letting go.  By letting go just a little of your past and future regrets, you obtain a little peace in your life but if you let go of a lot, then you will bring in a lot of peace.  More peace equals less stress!  Isn’t that the formula we all desire?


Here is a sampling of actions you can take today to begin to let go of the pain and allow peace into your mind and body:


  1. Meditation/Yoga

  2. Physical Activity

  3. Learn a new skill

  4. List out your accomplishments and continue to add to the list daily

  5. Focus your energy on that which you CAN control and not that which you CAN’T control

  6. Engage in a creative project (painting, crafts, gardening, book club)

  7. Write a letter to whomever you hold your anger for, then burn the letter

  8. Take responsibility for you could have done better

  9. Wear a rubber band on your wrist and pull it every time you begin to obsess on the angry thoughts

  10. Have gratitude for the positive memories and know that life is a learning experience

  11. Visualize how you were before the event and know that you now can be that again

  12. Take deep breaths and focus on your breath when you feel angry


And lastly, fill a backpack with rocks representing your past hurts and take a hike.  When you are ready, remove one rock at a time, naming the rock with a specific memory or person or event that has brought you pain and release it.  You may find that you have packed more rocks than actual pains!


Letting go allows you to make space in your life for new and exciting adventures, experiences, loves, memories.  Letting go brings you inner peace and reduces stress.  Letting go allows you to view the world with new eyes ready to create, build and live that life you have always dreamt about.


If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at: