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Sunday, March 21, 2021




My gut is telling me… I got a funny feeling about… My intuition says something isn’t right…  Have you heard this before?  Some of us have well developed intuitions that we trust and use to make decisions and some of us don’t trust our intuition any more than we would knock on wood. 


But what is intuition?  Intuition is your brain on autopilot.  Think about when you take a shower. Most of us don’t think.  We are on autopilot.  We start with our hair and work our way down or however you do it. You do it the same every day and your brain takes in information while you are probably still waking up.  Your brain is functioning outside your awareness, which is called nonconscious thinking.


It is safe to rely on non conscious thinking for tasks such as showering, preparing that morning cup of coffee, walking or even driving to the office.  These are routines that your brain is capable of handling without you getting involved in the process.


But your brain is also functioning in this capacity during complex processes that you think you are fully aware for.  Our brains are capable of very complex tasks and when we involve the subconscious mind, sometimes we lose those sound judgments our intuition has processed as we begin to overthink a situation and question ourselves.  We dismiss our intuition.  All of the factors that influence our reactions are always available to our conscious minds.


My mentor says that spirit is our intuition and therefore is always right.  In my own experiences, I have found that before I understood this concept, I questioned or flat out ignored my intuition and made some pretty bad decisions and when I accepted this thought – I found that my intuition has been spot on.


Many people believe that God speaks to us through our intuition and yet we still ignore all the signs and overthink something to disaster.  Test your intuition for the next 30 days.  Keep a journal of when you get a funny feeling and write down the circumstances and then the outcome.  Be sure to go back after the month and review whether or not you followed your intuition and how accurate it was.  It may just surprise you.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

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Sunday, March 7, 2021




How important is humor? Don’t ask a humor researcher because they are already fighting an uphill battle to get the respect they deserve.


Laughter is one of the first things a newborn exhibits.  Try going an entire day without even a small laugh and see if you can – I bet you can’t.  People don’t avoid pleasure which is why many of our decisions are made based on the level of pleasure we will benefit.


Laughter is the best medicine.  We have all heard that saying and we know that when things are looking down, we want someone positive in our lives to lift us up out of our rut.  Laughing not only improves our mental state, it has been proven to benefit our circulation, lungs and muscles.


Going through life with a cup half empty or half full, most of us point to the half full cup because if we aren’t already there, that is a goal to get there.  Positiveness, happiness, laughter, fun… we want our lives to be rich full and worth living.  We want to be remembered in a positive light and most of all we want to be loved.  We all know it is much easier to love a funny happy person than it is to love a sad, miserable person.  Happiness, laughter, humor – they just make a relationship easier don’t they?


Inject some humor into your life today.  Don’t take things so seriously.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Smile. Laugh.  Enjoy life.

Real coaching goes deep into your reasons, and purpose and helps you develop an internal beacon, so you are your own motivator.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!
Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at: