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Sunday, April 4, 2021




Where does your inspiration come from? Does it come from your family? Is it passed down generation to generation?  Is it your grade school teacher? Your big sister?  Your relationship with your creator? Where do you get your inspiration and how do you channel it?


We all hit a block at some point in life – sometimes more than we care to talk about and we need a little inspiration to relight our fire and let our creativity flow freely again.


This morning, do you remember waking up and what you did for that first hour?  Can you recount all the motions you went through?  If not, then you need some inspiration.  You need to mix up your routine and throw some spontaneity into your life.  Stop and smell the roses. 


The older we get, the busier our lives become and we take for granted all those little things that we were in such awe of as a child.  It’s time for a life reboot – to untether ourselves from our everyday doldrums and take a moment or two to see what we have been missing for a long time now.  It is time to get inspired!


1.   Have a plan – not a detailed plan – but something that you would like to stop and do for a moment that you have either wanted to do for a long time and couldn’t find the time or something that you used to do that you miss very much.  But not too planned – in the event while executing your plan you find yourself wanting to do something else, be flexible and go with the flow.

2.   Pay attention to your surroundings.  Smell the flowers, notice the older couple holding hands, see the children running through the park, smile at the dog with the pink studded collar… don’t follow the tour guide at the museum – be your own tour guide and spend longer at an exhibit really taking in the intricacies of the piece.

3.   Document your experience.  Bring your camera and whatever else you need to capture these moments.

4.   Bring a friend.  Take the time to explore somewhere with someone you care about and share this experience.  Create memories.

5.   Stay away from subways.  Sounds odd but if you are travelling underground how do you get to enjoy what is happening?  Walk if you can and then when you need to rest – find a place to sit and people watch.  Recharge your internal batteries and then go again.


Don’t look for inspiration.  That sounds funny but this is an exercise in creating inspiration through your environment and not by creating false inspiration through planned events.  Be free and enjoy what is already around you!

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

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