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Sunday, May 30, 2021



Law of Prosperity


Spirit never expresses itself other than pure perfection, therefore, whatever imperfections do exist are always the result of our individual or collective thoughts.  Because this is true, it is not necessary that you hold onto anything for fear of losing it.  In fact, you will never truly enjoy anything you must hold onto because freedom in all areas of your life is absolutely essential for you to grow into the truly great human being that you are able to become.


These obstructions that we harbor are doubt, guilt, resentment, and thoughts of lack or limitation. Including any negative ideas which have a tendency to block the flow of creative energy to and through you.


When we hold onto these obstructions, we are unable to make room for the image which we are trying to create. We must resolve to letting go of all of these obstructions so that we can make space in our lives for the good that we desire.


Make room for the new you that you are creating and for that which you desire. Allowing your mind to fill with things that you have no use for stalls your ability to achieve that which you want. Let go. Make space for all the good that is awaiting you. 


Make room for new clothes - for the new you that you are creating.  Make room for that which you desire.  Not only do I encourage you to physically clean out your closet, I have metaphorically shown you how our minds get cluttered with those things that we no longer have a use for.  It is time to clean house and let go.  You must continuously make space for the good that you desire - this is an exercise you will practice for the rest of your life. Let go of the old so you may make room for the new.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

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Sunday, May 16, 2021





Imagination is defined as the act of forming a mental picture of something that is not present to the sense or has never been completely perceived in reality.  Every thing around us started as an idea stemming from someone’s imagination.


Think about the computer, cell phone, bed, airplane, fork… no matter how insignificant or complex something may seem to you now, it started as an idea formed from an imagination. 


Imagination is what allows us to have plan Bs for survival.  We can imagine all sorts of scenarios and possibilities and then develop plans.  Through discovery, we get ideas no matter how fantasy or reality based they are.  Then through justification, we assemble objective evidence to formulate possibilities.  Therefore, imagination not only creates ideas but also justifies them to allow action to be taken.


Imagination contributes to knowledge growth through learning from mistakes.  When we make mistakes and take a moment to reflect on what happened, we then begin to imagine what could have happened if we had taken a different action. 


Imagination is what allows us to create a life we wish we had.  By exercising that magnificent mental muscle, we can change the outcome through our creative imagination by taking a moment and really imaging what it is we want – with clear details and practicing this everyday until what was once an idea becomes our reality.


Without imagination we wouldn’t have all of the things around us.  Take the light bulb; Thomas Edison worked diligently on perfecting a commercially manufacturedi light bulb.  He imagined that it was possible and eventually achieved success.  He has been quoted as saying “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”  What if he had not used his imagination and believed in the possibility?

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

For FREE resources visit us at:



Sunday, May 2, 2021




Information is crucial for everything. Can you think of an instance where you don’t need information?  It’s like going on a trip without a roadmap or through life without goals.  We need information to help us get from A to B and all points in between. 


With the Internet, we have information almost instantaneously with a push of a button.  Do a search on any topic and there is flood of websites to tell you all about whatever you are searching for.  Sometimes the search is spot on and other times it is completely off base but the beauty is you can search again and again refining until you get it right.


With that, why are so many people still ill informed?  There has never been a time like now with access to so much information through our phones, homes, cars, cafés, libraries… even restaurants give free access.  And yet you hear people say the craziest things and have outlandish opinions based on no facts you are aware of. 


This is partly due to the other form of information – the media.  The media has its own agenda and long gone are the days of unbiased news outlets.  But this isn’t about the media. It is about information and how to obtain useful information that is both accurate and proven to be true.


When it comes to personal development and growth, there are many people who claim to have the secrets to success.  And from appearances, they sure do look successful.  But their success may not equate to your definition of success so my advice to you is this:


Define what you think makes a person successful.  Not how to be successful.  Illustrate through words what a successful person is – from relationships to material goods.  However you define success.  And from that – match up those who claim success to see if they fit your description, which is based on your values and beliefs.  If they don’t, then pass on their advice.  If they do, then find out how you can work with them or someone associated with them to mentor you and help you to achieve success.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

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