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Sunday, August 8, 2021




What a grand emotion love is.  Imagine a life without love.  Research says a baby’s brain will not develop properly in the absence of love.  Wow that is powerful!  Love is very powerful. Look at your own life experiences.  Can you recall a time when you felt unloved?  How did that make you feel?  Depressed? Lonely? Anxious?


Imagine a life full of love! Do you have that now?  Are you content with the amount of love you have in your life?  Are you giving love to others?  Are you receiving love?  If you aren’t completely happy with your relationships both giving and receiving, then it may be beneficial to learn what options you have to create that life.


Did you know you could sit down right now and begin the process of creating that perfect life you desire?  The one full of love and compassion and whatever else you want.  I don’t use the word need because what we need and what we want are very different.  We all need food, shelter and water and according to research, love.  And we want many more things like comfort, warmth, relationships, fulfillment, purpose, and material things. 


So let’s focus on love for the moment.  To achieve the love you want in your life, begin by talking a piece of paper and I discourage you from using a computer or other device as there is something magical to actually writing down your wants and mapping out your life.


Take the piece of paper and define the perfect scenario or definition for love.  What does it mean to you.  Take as long as you need and write as much as you can.  Describe it in detail.  If it means a foot rub every night from your significant other than write that.  If it means finishing another’s thoughts then write that.  Write whatever comes to mind and keep writing until you are satisfied that you have defined Love.


Now, evaluate your current relationships.  Do they match what you define as love?  Are you satisfied with the love you are getting and just as importantly are you living up to your definition of love?  Are you giving this love to others?  It goes both ways. 


Know that you can’t change how someone else is but truly look at how you are expressing yourself now.  People copy each other – if you give love unconditionally and expect nothing in turn, those closest to you, those who care and love you will reciprocate this love.  You will find your relationships will become deeper and more satisfying as you focus more on your giving and less on your receiving.


Love is a wonderful thing – it needs nurtured and developed and now is the perfect time to start.

If that sounds like something you want to develop, let's connect!

Text : 604-614-7653

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